First was the worst….Second was…

Posted: 2012 in The Latest….

Not much better…sort of! So, it’s been a while since I used this blog as a journal….a few days (maybe weeks) after the 2012 election. I posted about something from a board meeting, I can’t remember what it was but beyond that the blog was done, I’d be sworn in in January. Well, the craziness didn’t stop, as a matter of fact if you were paying attention it continued and pretty much got worse. Beyond the sign stealing, libel and slander lawsuit, there was another lawsuit and ethics charges by the bucketful. BUT…. those things didn’t stop me, in fact they tested my resilience and made me stronger. Don’t get me wrong, it was TOUGH. My job was contacted, my work emails were requested….it was NUTS! However, I learned how this town really functions and how a group that is politically affiliated pretty much runs the whole town, in my opinion. I pretty much came out a winner from all the nastiness. The lawsuits were all dismissed, all but one ethics charge too.(the only violation was that I shared a recording of an executive session that was about ME and the charges with my attorney that was defending me) I also learned that I don’t back down and I was elected for a reason. The next election, 2013 we got a bunch of new BOE members and others resigned. I made some lifelong friends. We got work done! It was exciting. However, there were a zillion nasty mailers sent to the whole town and just a whole lot of ugliness. You’re probably asking yourself why would I choose to put myself out there? At least that’s what I get asked most often. It’s very simple…I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I have an insight that no other board member has because I am the only board member that is actively in the classroom. I am in the thick of all of the educational acronyms, data, demands, etc. Every board member brings something different to the table, but I feel my piece is most significant. I am also not influenced by any political group so I am totally unbiased in terms of voting for professionals. I truly put my heart and soul into my board duties and I try my best to represent the reason you voted for me twice.

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