Signs, Signs, Everywhere there are signs….

Posted: 2012 in The Latest….

Not mine though 😦 So, this was a tough decision….to buy signs or not. When you are running for an election (and you’re me) you put your heart and soul into it because you BELIEVE in it, you know you can do good things, you know you’re needed by your community. It also means your heart gets crushed when you lose. I know, I won and I lost. So what’s that have to do with signs? Well, it is a little deeper than going online, having fun designing them, spending the $$$$ and excitedly getting requests and placing them on lawns. It’s actually politics. I am not a political person, if I was I’d run for council. I’m an educator that loves her alma mater, Deptford. You see, in this town the dominating party chooses candidates and backs them in their campaign both politically and financially. Some think no biggie. I don’t. I have seen first hand as an educator how messy things get in education due to politics. When people with no background or experience in education make decisions about education it’s often about profits instead of students or learning. You can look up contracts with testing companies or go to ELEC to see donations by PACs. So in Deptford the Democrat Club promotes and supports candidates. Why? You’d have to ask them. in my opinion, total town control (including our schools) and dominance. The school districts contract with attorneys, architects, etc. Those same firms donate to political action committees and other political campaigns so just connect the dots. I would guess there are other reasons but I wouldn’t know since I am not allowed (I was told) to go to Democrat Club meetings or join the club. If you do go, maybe you can enlighten me. The club has over $100,000 on hand at all times. I can not compete against that, like ever! If I buy 100 signs they’ll buy 500. It stinks but it’s not illegal and it’s really a matter of not having their support vs. having it. For those that do, good for them. I feel like, at this point, people who know me, have contacted me about concerns involving their kids, have been to board meetings, YOU know me. I hope I have earned your respect and your vote. For those that don’t….email me, PM me, ask your neighbors, read my blog. I don’t believe this town is going to vote for someone based on signs or pretty mailers.

Before I end this post I have to address one more thing… this might take a long minute but I need to get it out of my head and into words. The last election was uncontested, 3 incumbents ran with no opposition. That is actually normal in most towns. Honestly, most people don’t have the time or interest to be a non-paid school board member. It is a LOT of time. So in the past either I or lie-minded friends would ask people to run so we could collectively make a difference. Those friends cheer me on from the sidelines now and have moved on.(I am so grateful for you guys <3) They’ve moved on. Glutton for punishment over here still sees more progress for the district and work to be done.

Our board actually functions pretty well right now. We truly work together and respect each others opinions. We don’t always agree but disagree respectfully. I was hopeful the 3 of us could run together. Most of them seemed fine with it as well. However, there is one important person that needs to be on that same page (maybe more than one but I went to who I think is most important in the process). I inquired if it was possible for Ed, Mark and I to run together. In short (the discussion was over an hour) the answer was not gonna happen for various reasons. That’s fine….I get it, I’m not “one of them or their people” Here’s my only issue and it’s a BIG one. I am fine with losing to anyone that’s truly invested. Someone that is ALL IN. Someone that has had an issue they feel needs to be addressed, has an understanding of where the district is in terms of academics, facilities, policy and budget. I hope you’d agree you NEED to at the very least attend meetings to be any and all of those things. Ed and Mark are on the board with me now. Mark decided to run alone. Ed is running with 2 women. I must say this before finishing, I don’t know these women personally. I know one is involved heavily with local athletics and the other I met when she ran in the past for a one year term (seemed intelligent and very nice). They are probably wonderful people. The only criticism I have is that in the last 7 years that I have been involved I haven’t seen them at any board meetings. (One did attend 1-2 times when she ran previously) Even since putting in their petitions to run-no meetings. I just don’t understand why people run if they aren’t even at meetings to know what is going on. If you were involved I’d have no problem losing to you because you know what the pressing issues are. You are invested like me. I just don’t know why someone would run if they haven’t even attended meetings. It just really concerns me that they are there because they were asked or told. If not asked, would they have run? Without the backing of the club would they run on their own? I just don’t get it…. I am running because I have been a part of the change and want to see it through. If someone isn’t even at any meetings do they just wake up and think, hmmmm I think I want to be on the school board this year? ugh….I hope this came out right. ::sigh::

Anyway, that is just my thoughts and opinions. I am in it to win it, I just need your help because there won’t be signs or mailers, just me, my free blog, word of mouth, social media, and people who believe in me. Thanks for reading. xo

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