Welcome to my BOE Campaign Blog

I’m Stacy (Kern) Gray and started this blog back in 2012 (the first time I ran for BOE) to reach as many residents of Deptford Township to share my thoughts, views, goals and convince you that I am deserving of your vote on November 3, 2020 for a seat on the Deptford Township Board of Education. This blog was my way of communicating with voters the first time I ran for school board in 2012 and it was wildly successful so I am hoping that it is as helpful this go-around. Thanks for all of your support along the way, both past and present. Plus, I ran alone that time as I am this time, so nostalgia and all… I feel it also serves as an excellent “journal” to document and reflect on this exciting endeavor!  Click on the menu links at the top of this page for  more information about me: including my resume and goals.  Please share this blog with everyone you know in Deptford and ask those family and friends to do the same……just copy and paste the link below to an email, text, FB, tweet or any other form of social media you choose.  I need to get my name and message out to our Deptford residents.  Thanks in advance for your help, support and vote!  If you have a question please do not hesitate to ask! 🙂

****Discalimer: All posts on the site represent my personal thoughts and opinions. I do not speak for the board of education nor do I (or any posts) represent the thoughts or opinions of the Deptford Board of Education.




  1. Maria Caliva Picknally says:

    It was nice meeting you last night.

  2. Shawn Passalaqua says:

    You have my vote. I will push for you in my neighborhood it will be nice to have somebody that cares about the kids and realize that we have to many chiefs in the district and not enough Indians. The politics that we have had in the board office and on the BOE has gotten out of hand.

    • Thank you for the support! Please continue to spread the word. I totally intend to be the new voice for education!!! Please share my blog address to your friends, family and neighbors!

  3. Saundra Graves says:

    Hi Stacy,
    I am so pleased that you are running for the BoE in Deptford. Being a 46 year resident of Deptford I see the need for a great change. You have my support. I will spread the word to all of my friends in Deptford. Thank you for being such a crusader for Education. Give my Love to your family.
    Saundra Graves

  4. Barry Newman says:

    Stacy’s lifetime achievements speak for itself. I am honored to support a woman, mother, wife, and foremost an accomplished educator, who has a realistic approach to tackle her latest endeavor. Through her previous successes she has developed the qualifications (in my belief second to none) to take this position with DTBOE. Having accomplished very difficult tasks with positive and reputable outcomes I feel that she is over qualified (if there is such a thing) for the seat that she seeks. I have 3 children in this district, two of which are in the system and one to follow. I have a stake in the game when it comes to my children’s education. I trust their educational future with Stacy on the board and wouldn’t trust any other. Most have “special interests” that promise unachievable outcomes but with Stacy’s record, her interests are the kids and the untangling the twisted mess that faces their future and education.

    I encourage every one to copy and paste this reply and mail it to everyone who intends to be a part of something as important as this. November 6th is Stacy Gray. Be there and select #2, you’ll be proud that you did, Trust me I know her.
    Barry Newman, proud Deptford resident 43 years

  5. Mike Demski says:

    Thanks for sending your bio, you have my vote and also my wife’s vote! Good luck!


    • Thank you very much! Today has been a rough day but nothing worth having ever comes easy! I very much plan to finish strong and move forward with making our district a great place to grow and learn!

  6. Jason Rusk says:

    Good Luck tomorrow!!!!! Remember, If Deptford doesn’t want you, just come down to Virginia Beach, We’d love to have you on our school board. Its nice to see a qualified cadidate running for an elected position.

  7. Bernadette says:

    I think you need to contact me he punched me in the face Dec 14 2019 at Deptford elks

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